Fixie is a unique bicycle in USA.
In the records of history fixie.
In the records of history fixie or fixed gear bikes used by the mail carrier, because the condition of the city of New York is padat.Akhirnya they choose fixie bike as an alternative and the result is very satisfying because faster delivery.
You know, Fixie bikes are one of the types of bikes are very popular in the community. The number of enthusiasts and users Fixie bike is not exactly small. Even in almost every region and major city there is a community of users Fixie bikes. The origin of this type of bike is named Fixie bike because the rear gear is fixed / not dynamic or it could be called a Fixed Gear.
Lots owned by the uniqueness of this Fixie Bike. Among them are: do not have brakes, the shape of the handlebar / handlebar upright and straight, until the tire size is small and thin. Fixie bike always has a simple and minimalist design. This is where the creativity we are challenged to be able to create a bike Fixie that looks interesting though designnya minimalist.
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